Smart drug delivery

We supported the Swiss technology company Sonceboz in software development for an on-body injector for subcutaneous drug delivery.

Graphic which shows several on-body injectors

The challenge: Non-compliance and a lack of adherence

Compliance and adherence are essential to achieving therapy goals for the given patient. Non-compliance and a lack of adherence can adversely affect the patient’s health. Not only that, it can also drive the costs of healthcare, for example, one reason being that an ailing patient has to see a doctor more often. Smart medical devices help empower patients. They can contribute to the success of the therapy, especially in the case of chronic diseases.

Woman inspects pill with illustrative chemical formulae

Improving therapy

A patient’s speedy recovery depends on taking the right medication for that individual, in the right dose and at the right time.

The solution: Smart drug delivery device

With our technical expertise and many years of experience in the standards-compliant development of medical devices, we supported the Swiss company Sonceboz in software development for a drug delivery device. The on-body device can be used to inject larger volumes of liquid drugs subcutaneously.

The added value: state-of-the-art, modular, safe

ITK has developed the software with a high degree of modularity. The customer benefits from increased flexibility for product variants in combination with the highest safety standards for a class C medical device.

Smart drug delivery devices can greatly enhance the therapy and improve the patient’s quality of life through ease of use at home. Something as simple as fewer regular trips to the clinic can be a tremendous relief for patients with chronic diseases.


Icon leuchtende Glühbirne mit Zahnrad

State-of-the-art software

Icon Entwicklungscheckliste

High degree of modularity

Icon Safe Connectivity

Highest safety standards

About Sonceboz

Sonceboz is a Swiss technology company, leader in the design and manufacture of mechatronic solutions. From idea to motion, the company’s goal is to create innovative, reliable, safe and environmentally friendly systems and to help their pharmaceutical and medical customers make life easier for patients and improve treatment outcomes through cost-effective wearable medical devices.

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