Customized, user-friendly HMI Design

The human-machine interface is changing in the wake of digitalization. To roll with this tide, we strive to maximize the user-friendliness of the designs we deliver for industrial products with an HMI, consumer goods with user interfaces, and digital services and apps. Our user-centric workflow fits seamlessly into legacy development processes. We iteratively develop solutions that satisfy and delight users.

Infographic Design Thinking Workflow

Our services

User and requirements analysis

Developing ideas and strategies

Prototyping, interaction, and design

Testing and validation


User interface smartphone health app

User-centric HMI design

The priority from day one is to center the product’s development on users’ needs and real-world use cases.  All the individual phases of user-centric interface design focus on this goal.

Vehicle construction design

Prototype vehicle with tilting technology

HMI interfaces in the vehicle are increasingly taking on a central role. Learn more about our development of a futuristic user experience in an innovative prototype vehicle.

The intuitive path to success with safe human-machine interfaces

As the digital transformation picks up momentum, human-machine interfaces are having to meet more stringent requirements and satisfy more demanding expectations. Let us team up to design a bespoke, user-centered HMI that truly suits your needs. Count on us to keep a vigilant eye on all phases and a close watch on every deliverable from the target group analysis to prototyping and specification.

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