Two engineers work on a robot arm with a digital twin of the robot in the background.

Digital twins: software support throughout the entire product life cycle

Digital twins provide opportunities for innovation, shorten development times, reduce maintenance costs and optimize processes. We support your product from the initial idea through to maintenance with state-of-the-art virtualization and ground-breaking simulation tools.

Our services

Focal points of our work


What are digital twins?

The definition of digital twins varies depending on the field in which they are being used, which underscores how versatile and adaptable they are. Essentially, a digital twin is a virtual representation of a physical object, process or system. This digital doppelganger uses sensor data, simulations and algorithms to monitor, analyze and optimize the condition, activity and performance of the real object.

Digital Twin @ ITK

Infographic on the definition and development of digital twin and virtual twin

Using digital twins in the early stages of development

Smart software solutions generate virtual copies of processes in systems – irrespective of whether the products in question or their components already exist or are still in the conceptual phase. During simulation, a digital model can be slowed down, run in real time or sped up. This allows verification, validation and optimization to be carried out continuously from an early stage, long before a physical prototype is required.

Using virtual twins to make tests and decisions more precise

Our digital twin will only model your product or parts of it to start with, but our simulation solutions take things a step further. Not only do we simulate the system itself, but also its environment, closing important control loops in the process. This makes it possible to evaluate logical interdependencies and physical effects in concrete scenarios. Interactions with external components can also be taken into account.

Our solutions enable you to test products at an earlier stage with greater precision, minimize risks and accelerate your development process, for more well-informed decision-making every step of the way.

Our services

Simulation and prototyping

Monitoring and real-time analysis

Data-based decision-making

Focal points of our work

Zwei ITK-Mitarbeitende im Büro besprechen maßgeschneiderte Simulations-Lösungen am Computer.

Customized solutions

We understand that standard solutions are not always suitable. That is why we help you analyze your requirements in detail and develop customized solutions that are tailored to your goals. Even if your requirements are not clearly defined, we can support you with our expert advice. We will work with you to identify the most important challenges and develop transparent and practicable solutions.

Zwei ITK Mitarbeitende arbeiten an einem Laptop mit zwei Monitoren an transparenten und flexiblen Virtualisierungs-Lösungen.

Transparency and flexibility

We make use of open systems that offer maximum flexibility and transparency. Our solutions integrate easily with various different systems and providers, allowing you to plan your infrastructure as you see fit. At the same time, we ensure that you retain full control over your data at all times and that you do not become dependent on individual providers. This leaves you free in your decision-making and allows you to benefit from long-term predictability.

ITK Fachkraft im Kundengespräch – für eine nachhaltige Partnerschaft und langfristigen Erfolg.

Sustainable partnerships for long-term success

We offer long-term support in the form of collaboration between partners that helps you achieve lasting results and create sustainable products. With our approach, we help you optimize your licensing costs in a targeted manner without having to do without effective solutions and tools. The possibility of using open solutions gives you the option of making individual adjustments yourself if necessary. This allows you to improve your efficiency while also supporting your internal innovation processes.

Not only do we offer technical implementation, but also comprehensive advice. If you are still faced with uncertain requirements or need to analyze complex networks with external partners, we will support you with all of our multi-disciplinary expertise. Our solutions are flexible and are tailored precisely to your specific needs and requirements.

Our references and innovations

Digitaler Zwilling eines Steuergeräts (ECU).


Digital Twin for embedded systems

Digital twins for embedded systems raise your product development to a new level: Test processes are optimized, development cycles are accelerated and resources are used efficiently – without the need for physical prototypes.

Frau läuft durch digitale Produktionshalle


Factory simulation

We map your entire value chain to digital twins, help you pinpoint bottlenecks, and optimize the design of your processes throughout the factory. Drawing on the results of our simulation, we will work with you to develop solutions that boost productivity.

Bild einer Fahrzeugsimulation


Individual Virtual Environment and Sensor Simulation (iVESS)

Our development framework, based on simulation technology, can verify and validate sensors in realistic 3D environments. Whether in the automotive, industrial, or maritime sectors, iVESS can be used to tackle major customer-specific challenges relating to autonomous systems.

Infografik eines intelligenten virtuellen Batteriespeichernetzes mit Wohn-, Büro- und Fabrikgebäuden, einer Anlage für erneuerbare Energien mit Solarzellen, Windkraftanlagen und einem Hochspannungsnetz mit Masten und Transformatoren.


Future Energy Management

The rising number of decentralized producers and consumers in the course of the energy transition leads to an increasing complexity in the energy system. Individual and intelligent solutions – from conceptual planning to ongoing operation – provide the required holistic support.

Digital twins – driving innovation together

From the initial idea through to maintenance – we will work with you to plan the efficient use of digital twins. With our expertise in the field and many years of experience, we make use of agile methods and multi-disciplinary collaboration. Our holistic approach facilitates tailored simulation solutions that support development processes, allow comprehensive analyses and open up new potential for improvement.

Unsolved challenges? We look forward to your inquiry.

Portrait Torsten Breitel

Expertise – Digital Twin

Torsten Breitel